
Urbi Bhaduri

Author Urbi Bhaduri

Authors Biography

Urbi Bhaduri

Bewitched by the magic of words for as long as she can remember, Urbi Bhaduri is forever sniffing out stories in bookshops and libraries and greedily scanning random bookshelves. She is the mother of four cocker spaniels with formal, unpronounceable Bengali names and a little girl who reminds her of Totto Chan. Much of her work, which she calls Maps for Lost Writers, is about having conversations with people who are into making things like books, films or performance art, and helping them through the stickiness of the creative process. She is still into her childhood pastime of interpreting cloud shapes as they form, travel and slow-dissolve across the sky. The sight of red and yellow krishnachura and radhachura flowers flaming against dark monsoon skies is one of her favourite sights in the world. She thinks that many things in the world are a poem. Her first book, a translation of Abanindranath Tagore’s Nalak, is the story of the Buddha seen through the eyes of a little boy.
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